I have been neglecting my blog lately and many other things too but I have a very good excuse
Harry Potter!
I have not read since Lyla was born. Ok, that is not entirely true - I have Goodnight Moon memorized as well as several other books that Honey and I read together daily. I love children's books, (I promise another post on that soon) but I decided it was finally time to scrape out a little me time. I didn't want to start with anything too serious and I had never read the Harry Potter series all the way through and since the 6th movie just came out I figured it was time. What Fun!
I forgot how much I love to read and how all consuming it can be! I finished the 5th book the other day and am taking a couple days off to catch up on some things - blogging, laundry, housework - before I finish the last two. I can hardly stand it because I have the last two books in my possession.
These past few weeks I have been sooooo tired! Reading late + Lyla eating 3 times a night + insomnia and crazy dreams (wonder if it has anything to do with Harry Potter?) = one tired mommy. I need my energy back. We took a long nap today though and it was delightful!
Last week Lyla turned 5 months. Where does the time go? She is such a joy and has brought so much happiness into our lives. I'm not sure what we did without her! She is getting so big and learning so much. I love to watch her take in the world around her. She is very observant and is getting quite busy too. She has accomplished a lot in her 5 months - grabbing her toes, smiling, rolling over, laughing. She is amazing (as all babies are to their parents)! We love our little wonder and can't wait to see what she does next.