Last week I had a true test of motherhood - I got sick! It was horrible! I felt it coming on earlier in the day but I didn't expect it to hit with such force. Erik wasn't scheduled to arrive home until midnightish so I knew I was on my own. The body aches started first so I hurried the Honey into the tub a little earlier than usual and skipped her story - I hate having to do that! We climbed into bed where I nursed her to sleep while the chills set in. A fever was quick to follow and a migraine - yuck! (I never get those but it made me feel really sorry for my sister, Jamie, and Tina who get them regularly) Lucky for me Lyla slept soundly. The next day I was still pretty out of it so Erik took Lyla and let me sleep as much as I needed. What a treat! I am s0 thankful for my wonderful husband for all of the help that he gives me - for the amazing father he is to Lyla. He was so unsure about having kids but I knew - I JUST KNEW - that he would love it! I love to watch the two of them together, my Honey and my Hubby! They bring me so much joy! There were times I wondered if we would ever make it to this place - so glad that we did! I am proud of Erik and love him more now than ever before! I know his Honey loves him too!

My two Loves!